Community Outreach
Community Team (ID 1126)
Miss RutherfordAssistant Principal for Inclusion
Miss Rutherford
Miss LukungaFamily Support Worker
Miss Lukunga
Mrs GeddesFamily Support Worker
Mrs Geddes
Kings Heath Primary Academy works very hard with the community. By working with the community, we are continually developing the capital and assets which are adding significant value to the school.
It is well recongised that when parents are involved in their child's education, that a child does better on a range of measures. They behave better, attend school more often, are at a lower risk of exclusion, are keener to learn and achieve better results. Strong links with the community has also been shown to help raise educational standards and close the achievement gap between rich and poor children. For more information linked to this please see the EEF Parental Engagement.
Kings Heath Primary Academy takes this very seriously and endeavors to do as much as possible with the community, which continues to expand with each passing term.
winter pressures cost of living resource pack.pdf
Kings Heath Partnership
Kings Heath Primary Academy is an active member in the Kings Heath Partnership. They meet every six weeks, which is hosted by KHPA in our Community Room. In this meeting the leaders of the community come together to discuss plans on how to improve the Kings Heath Area. Included in this meeting is:
- Jamie Wells - the Improvement Team lead of West Northants
- Hayley Cannon - the Health and Wellbeing lead of West Northants
- Representative from Free to Talk
- Representation from Idverde
- the Local PCSO's
- Robert Strickland - the lead of Junior Wardon Scheme
- the local vicar
Actions from this meeting involving Kings Heath Primary Academy specifically have been:
- involvement in the Kings Heath Fun Day
- improved lightening for the shop square
- the garden project - being completed with help from the KHPA School Council
World Cafe
Following on from surveys in the community, the Kings Heath Partnership meeting discussed the older generation in the community asking for somewhere to meet and chat. Kings Heath Primary Academy agreed to host the World Cafe.
This launched on the 23rd of September! Please see the leaflet below.
Tidlers and Tots
Reaching out to the youngest members of the community, Kings Heath Primary Academy relaunched its parent group in September 2022. Families are able to come together with their younger children and support each other. KHPA staff are there to help provide any additional support and guidance.
We are in the processing of liasing with Strengthening Families to offer additional support, including health visitor drop in's and baby weight ins!
Community Day
Kings Heath Primary Academy hosted their first Community Day in September 2021 following the reduction of COVID restrictions. This is a fantastic day where members of the local community are invited in to share their expertise with the children across the school. We were excited to host a huge number of professionals on that day. This has now become an annual event!
Community Day
Summer Fayre
Before COVID, Kings Heath Primary Academy always held a Summer Fayre. In July 2022, we were excited to re-open our doors and invite all of our community in to share the afternoon with us.
Adult Learning
Kings Heath Primary Academy excited to host Adult Learning courses in our Community Room. Before COVID, this used to be a regular hive of activity each week.
Following work with the Local Authority, this was relaunched in November 2022 and is currently holding English Courses each week. We are hoping that this will continue to grow.
Hope Centre
Northampton Hope tackles poverty and exclusion. Their work helps people experiencing the most acute problems of disadvantage and marginalisation, including homelessness, addition and mental health. As well as giving practical support, they focus on helping people to help themselves, provide support and services that will enable individuals to take back control of their own lives.
Kings Heath Primary Academy are happy to announce that will now be hosting one of the Hope Centres each week within their Community Room! More information to follow.
Kings Heath Primary Academy work in collaboration with: